

Hifi-Scandinavia.dk – Cvr.nr. DK25966031.

Ved handel på denne hjemmeside accepterer du automatisk nedenstående betingelser.


På HiFi-Scandinavia.dk kan du bestille varer via vores hjemmeside. Hvis du har forespørgsler til varer, som ikke er på siden er du altid velkommen til at kontakte os. 


HiFi-Scandinavia.dk sender alle varer med GLS med mindre andet er aftalt. Når dine varer er klar til forsendelse, modtager du en mail med T&T nr., så du selv kan følge din pakke.  Varerne er forsikrede under forsendelsen og ved modtagelse bedes du kontrollere pakkens indhold. Er pakken og/eller indholdet beskadiget, når du modtager den, skal du anmelde det til GLS med det samme, eller senest 2 dage efter modtagelsen og returnere varen til HiFi-Scandinavia.dk efterfølgende med mindre andet er aftalt. HiFi-Scandinavia.dk er ikke ansvarlig for varer, der er beskadiget under transporten. Vi pakker altid varerne ind med største omhu, så risikoen for fragtskader minimeres. Der kan være varer, som ikke egner sig til forsendelse. Du kan altid læse på produktsiden om en vare kan sendes eller den kun er til afhentning.

Vi tager forbehold for fejl såsom skrivefejl, prisfejl, lagerfejl, pris- og lagerændringer. Forbehold for forkerte billeder og udsolgte varer.

Forsendelse i Danmark

Vi afsender vintage HiFi, reservedele m.m. med GLS, Danske Fragtmænd, FedEx m.fl. til hele Danmark. Læg dit varekøb i kurv og indtast så din adresse. Systemet beregner selv din fragtpris.

Bemærk! Vi sender kun pakker op til 20 kg med GLS. Tunge og store højttalere, forstærkere, receivere m.m. over 20 kg’s pakkevægt kan kun leveres med Danske Fragtmænd eller andet fragtudbyder.  Pallevarer leveres med Fragtmand i grundplan til privat adresse ellers erhvervs-adresse. Leveringen sker i tidsrummet hverdage fra Kl. 07.00 til 17.00.

OBS! Hvis fragtmanden må sætte din forsendelse uden du er hjemme, så skal du skrive det i feltet “Bemærkninger til ordren” og skriv gerne, hvor pakken må sættes. Bemærk! Afsættelse uden kvittering er for modtagers ansvar og risiko.

Forsendelse udenfor Danmark

Vi afsender vintage HiFi, reservedele m.m. til hele verdenen. Læg dit varekøb i kurv og indtast så din adresse. Systemet beregner selv din fragtpris. Vejer dit samlede varekøb over 20 kg, så skal det sendes med special-fragt – kontakt os for at få oplyst den korrekte fragtpris – husk at oplyse hele dit navn, adresse, tlf.nr., mail-adresse m.m.


Hos HiFi-Scandinavia.dk bestræber vi os på en hurtig levering, så alle ordrer afsendes i løbet af 1-3 hverdage, såfremt varen er på lager. I ferieperioder og i forbindelse med udsalg må der evt. påregnes længere leveringstid. Skulle der opstå forsinkelser hos transportør kan HiFi-Scandinavia.dk dog ikke drages til ansvar.


Ønskes varen afhentet på vores adresse, kan du kontakte os for nærmere aftale.

Afhentningadressen er: Søholtvej 60, 9750 Østervrå, Danmark.




HiFi-Scandinavia.dk yder 14 dages fuld fortrydelsesret gældende fra den dag, du modtager dine varer jf. købeloven for fjernkøb.

  • Du skal som køber tydeligt skriftlig informere HiFi-Scandinavia.dk om, at du ønsker at returnere dit varekøb – dette skal ske INDEN returnering af varekøbet.
  • Køber kan ikke fortryde ved blot at nægte modtagelse af varen uden samtidig at give HiFi-Scandinavia.dk tydelig skriftlig meddelelse om dette – gerne på email.
  • Retur-pakken skal sendes direkte til vores erhvervsadresse (LARSEN – Søholtvej 60 – 9750 Østervrå, Danmark) og du har som køber ansvar for, at varen er pakket forsvarligt ind. Du bærer risikoen for varen indtil den er afleveret hos HiFi-Scandinavia.dk. Vi modtager ikke varer sendt til pakkeshops.
  • Vi anbefaler at returvaren altid sendes med GLS og som udgangspunkt med track&trace, så pakken kan spores, hvis uheldet er ude og pakken skulle blive væk under transporten.
  • Når vi har modtaget varen og godkendt returneringen, vil vi hurtigst muligt overføre købsbeløbet til dit kreditkort. Hvis du benytter din fortrydelsesret, refunderer vi alle betalinger modtaget fra dig, herunder leveringsomkostninger, dog ikke ekstra leveringsomkostninger, som følge af dit eget valg af en anden leveringsform end den billigste form for standardlevering, som vi tilbyder.
  • Du skal dog selv betale fragt/forsikring for returnering af varekøbet – ved GLS typisk fra Kr. 79 – til Kr. 150,- og ved palle-varer (Danske Fragtmænd) typisk Kr. 800,- til Kr. 2.000,-.
    Har du modtaget dit varekøb på palle (over 20 kg) skal det også returneres til vores adresse med fragtmand på palle forsvarligt emballeret.
  • Vi tilbagebetaler kun til det kreditkort/konto som købet er tilknyttet. Dette er for at undgå ulovlig brug af stjålne kreditkort. Husk at vedlægge registrerings- og kontonummer til evt. bankoverførsel.
  • Husk at gemme din fragtkvittering,  som dokumentation for, at varen er afsendt
  • HiFi-Scandinavia.dk har i følge købeloven ret til, at reducere det tilbagebetalte beløb, hvis varen åbenbart er brugt eller skadet og har forringet handelsmæssig værdi. OBS! Varer tages kun retur i ubrudt emballage.
  • (*Returret gælder kun for køb foretaget af kunde bosiddende i EU-landene – der er ingen returret på erhvervskøb).
    (*Vi giver ikke returret på varer, som sælges til istandsættelse, som defekt, til reservedele, rene afhentningsvarer m.m.)

Varer undtaget fortrydelsesret er:

  • Varer der må antages at blive forringet eller forældet hurtigt
  • Varer omfattet af købelovens undtagelsesbestemmelser i øvrigt, såsom special-fremstillede kabler, kabler monteret med specifikke stik osv.
  • (*Returret gælder kun for køb foretaget af kunde bosiddende i EU-landene – der er ingen returret på erhvervskøb).
    (*Vi giver ikke returret på varer, som sælges til istandsættelse, som defekt, til reservedele, rene afhentningsvarer m.m.)

Udgifter i forbindelse med returnering af varer står for købers egen regning.

Vi modtager ikke pakker sendt pr. efterkrav, til pakkeshop eller lignende. Varen skal altid sendes tilbage i forsvarlig emballage, husk at få en kvittering for afsendelsen, såfremt der skulle opstå problemer.

Varen sendes retur til:

Søholtvej 60
9750 Østervrå

Venligst vedlæg oprindelig faktura/følgeseddel.

Mærk pakken: “Retur jf. aftale”.


Ved køb af brugte varer:

    • Som loven foreskriver, så giver vi 24 måneders reklamationsret for skjulte fejl og mangler på alle brugtkøb. Bemærk venligst, at reklamationsret ikke er det samme som en garanti og den skjulte fejl/mangel eller årsagen hertil skal være til stede på leveringstidspunktet for at et krav kan være gældende. Bemærk også, at der på vintage HiFi med alder på helt op til 40-50 år kan forventes alm. slid, små defekter m.m. opstået pga. alder – disse fejl og defekter er, hvad der må kunne forventes og er ikke dækket af en reklamationsret. Er du i tvivl, så er du altid velkommen til at kontakte os. Du kan også læse mere her: https://www.forbrug.dk/emner/nye-og-brugte-varer/brugte-varer-generelt/
    • Ved reklamationer skal du altid og så hurtigt som muligt kontakte os, så vi kan aftale det videre forløb. Bliver din reklamation godkendt, så skal den pågældende vare indleveres eller sendes til vores adresse- du står selv for omkostningerne ved at indlevere/afsende – vi afholder omkostninger ved at returnere varen til dig (kun på varekøb i DK – ved køb foretaget udenfor DK skal kunden selv betale for returneringsomkostninger).
    • Bemærk venligst, at vi opkræver et undersøgelsesgebyr til vores teknikker på Kr. 495,- inkl. moms ved alle reklamationer. Bliver din reklamation godkendt bortfalder gebyret, men skyldes din reklamation forkert brug af varen, alm. slid, misbrug af varen eller andet, så vil gebyret blive opkrævet, før vi kan returnere din vare. 
    • Vi giver ingen reklamationsret på varer, som sælges til istandsættelse, som defekt, til reservedele, rene afhentningsvarer m.m.
    • Reklamationsret gælder kun for køb foretaget af kunde bosiddende i EU-landene – der er ingen reklamationsret på varekøb som er foretaget af kunde bosiddende udenfor EU.
    • Såfremt din reklamation bliver godtkendt betyder det, at du som udgangspunkt kan få varen repareret, ombyttet, pengene tilbage eller afslag i prisen, afhængig af den konkrete situation. Forløbet aftales nærmere med HiFi-Scandinavia.dk
    • BEMÆRK ! Reklamationsretten dækker ikke, når fejl, skader eller slitage opstår på grund af forkert brug, manglende vedligeholdelse eller almindeligt slid.
    • Du skal reklamere indenfor ´rimelig tid´ efter, at du har opdaget mangler ved varen. Du bedes oplyse os som, hvad problemet med varen er så detaljeret som muligt.
    • Ved reklamation, fejl og mangler eller ved udeblevne leverancer, så kontakt os venligst så hurtigt som muligt. 



Køb foretaget fra Danmark
I webshoppen på HiFi-Scandinavia.dk kan du betale med VISA/Dankort, Mastercard eller via MobilePay. Det er også muligt at få finansieret dit køb via SparXpres Finans.

Køb foretaget udenfor Danmark
Du kan betale online for dit varekøb med VISA eller Mastercard. Vi modtager ikke betalinger via PayPal.

Sikkerheden på HiFi-Scandinavia.dk er i top, idet al kommunikation mellem vores betalingssystem og kortindehaveren foregår via en krypteret SSL forbindelse (Secure Socket Layer). Betalingen varetages af sikkerhedsgodkendt løsning fra Quickpay.

Alle priser hos HiFi-Scandinavia.dk er angivet i DKK eller i EURO. OBS! Alle brugtvarer sælges efter brugtmomsordningen og du kan som køber, således ikke fradrage moms.


Sikkerheden på HiFi-Scandinavia.dk er i top, idet al kommunikation mellem vores betalingssystem og kortindehaveren foregår via en krypteret SSL forbindelse (Secure Socket Layer). Med andre ord, er det kun betalingsudbyderen, der har adgang til dine data. Hverken HiFi-Scandinavia.dk eller andre uvedkommende har mulighed for at se de data, der udveksles ved køb. Hos HiFi-Scandinavia.dk er dine personlige kontaktoplysninger 100% fortrolige og vi garanterer, at ingen andre kan få adgang til dem via lovlige metoder.


For at du kan indgå en aftale med os via websitet skal du lade dig registrere med følgende personlige oplysninger:

  • Navn
  • Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • e-mail adresse

Disse oplysninger er nødvendige for, at vi kan gennemføre din konkrete bestilling.

Som registreret hos HiFi-Scandinavia.dk har du altid ret til at gøre indsigelse mod registreringen. Du har også ret til indsigt i hvilke oplysninger, der er registreret om dig. Disse rettigheder har du efter persondataloven og henvendelse i forbindelse hermed rettes til HiFi-Scandinavia.dk via email.


HiFi-Scandinavia.dk følger de vejledninger, der fremgår af forbrugerstyrelsens retningslinjer og love.

Hvis du vil klage over dit køb: henvend dig meget gerne til os primært.

Hvis det ikke lykkes os at finde en løsning, kan du indgive en klage til relevante nævn på området, såfremt betingelserne herfor er opfyldt.


Carl Jacobsens Vej 35

2500 Valby

Tlf. 41 71 50 00 (Hverdage 9-16)




GPDR / Persondataloven

DATA PRIVACY POLICY according to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Sect. 1   General
We will process your personal data (e.g. title, name, address, e-mail address, phone number, bank details, credit card number) solely in accordance with “Persondataloven Danmark” and the data protection law of the European Union (EU). The following provisions will inform you, besides the information about the processing purposes, recipients, legal bases and storage periods, also about your rights and the controller for your data processing. This privacy policy applies only to our websites. If you are directed to other sites via links on our pages, please familiarise yourself with the respective use of your data there.

Sect. 2   Data processing for the performance of contracts

(1) Purpose of data processing
Your personal data you provide us during the ordering process are necessary for the conclusion of a contract with us. You are not obliged to provide your personal data. However, we would not be able to send you the goods without your address. For some payment methods we ask for the necessary payment data in order to pass them on to a payment service provider commissioned by us. Hence, the processing of your data collected during the ordering process is soley for the purpose of contract performance.
If you send us a request by e-mail etc. before concluding the contract, we process the obtained data to carry out pre-contractual measures and answer your questions about e.g. our products.
(2) Legal basis
The legal basis for such processing is set out in Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR.
(3) Recipient categories
Payment service provider, shipping service provider, hosting provider, if necessary merchandise management system, suppliers if necessary (drop-shipping).
(4) Duration of Storage
We store the data required for contract execution until the statutory warranty and, if applicable, contractual warranty periods expire.
We store the data required under commercial and tax law for the statutory periods, generally five years.
The data processed for the execution of pre-contractual measures will be deleted as soon as the measures have been carried out and the contract cannot be concluded.

Sect. 3   Information about cookies

(1) Purpose of data processing
This website uses technically necessary cookies. These are small text files that are stored in or by your Internet browser on your computer system. These cookies enable, for example, the inserting of several products in a shopping basket.
(2) Legal basis
The legal basis for such processing is set out in Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR.
(3) Legitimate interest
Our legitimate interest is the functionality of our website. The user data collected by technically necessary cookies are not used to create user profiles. This preserves your interest in data protection.
(4) Duration of Storage
The technically necessary cookies are usually deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies have different validity period from a few minutes to several years.
(5) Right of objection
If you do not wish these cookies to be stored, please deactivate the use of cookies in your Internet browser. However, this may cause a functional limitation of our website. You can also delete persistent cookies at any time by changing your browser settings.

Sect. 4   Rights of the data subject

If your personal data is being processed, you are the ‘data subject’ in terms of GDPR and you have the following rights towards the controller:

1. Right of access by the data subject

You may ask the controller to confirm whether your personal data is processed.
In the case of such processing, you may request the following information from the controller:
(1) the purposes of the processing of the personal data;
(2) the categories of personal data concerned;
(3) the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed;
(4) the estimated period of time for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
(5) the right to request from the controller to rectify or erase the personal data or the right to restrict the processing of personal data concerning the data subject or to object to such processing;
(6) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
(7) the right to all available information on the source of the data if the personal data are not collected from the data subject;
(8) the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling in accordance with Article 22 (1) and (4) of the GDPR and – at least in these cases – meaningful information for your about the logic involved, as well as the consequences and intended effects of such processing.
As a data subject, you have the right to be informed whether the personal data concerning you are transferred to a third country or to an international organisation. In this regard, you may request to be informed of the appropriate safeguards pursuant to Article 46 GDPR relating to the transfer.

2. Right to rectification
You have the right to have corrected and/or completed your personal data from the controller if your personal data processed is incorrect or incomplete. The controller has to make the correction without delay.

3. Right to restriction of processing
You have the right to obtain from the controller restriction of processing where one of the following applies:
(1) if you contest the accuracy of the personal data relating to you for a period of time that enables the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
(2) the processing is unlawful and you refuse to erase the personal data and request the restriction of the use of the personal data instead;
(3) the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but you need them to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or
(4) if you have lodged an objection against the processing in accordance with Art. 21 (1) GDPR and it has not yet been determined whether the legitimate reasons of the controller outweigh your grounds.
Where processing of personal data relating to you has been restricted, such data may, with the exception of storage, only be processed with your consent or for the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims or for the protecting of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of an important public interest of the Union or of a Member State.
If the restriction of processing has been restricted in accordance with the conditions mentioned above, you will be informed by the controller before the restriction of processing is lifted.

4. Right to erasure
a) Obligation regarding erasure
You have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of your personal data immediately and the controller is obliged to erase this data without delay where one of the following reasons applies:
(1) the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
(2) you withdraw your consent on which the processing is based accordance to point (a) of Article 6 (1), or point (a) of Article 9 (2) GDPR and where there is no other legal ground for the processing;
(3) you submit an objection to the processing accordance to Article 21 (1) of the GDPR, and there are no legitimate reasons for the processing, or you lodge an objection against the processing accordance to Article 21 (2) of the GDPR;
(4) your personal data have been unlawfully processed;
(5) your personal data need to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject;
(6) your personal data have been collected in relation to the offer information society services referred to Article 8 (1);

b) Obligation to inform other controllers (third parties)
If the controller has made your personal data public and is obliged to erase them accordance to Article 17 (1) of the GDPR, he has to take reasonable steps, taking into account the available technology and the cost of implementation, including technical measures, to inform the controllers who process the personal data that you, as the person concerned, have requested the erasure of any links to, or copy or replication of those personal data.

c) Exceptions
The right to erasure does not apply to the extent that processing is necessary:
(1) for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information;
(2) for fulfilment of a legal obligation which requires processing by the law of the Union or of the Member States to which the controller is subject, or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or the exercise of official authority transferred to the controller;
(3) for reasons of public interest in the area of public health in accordance with points (h) and (i) of Article 9 (2) as well as Article 9 (3) of the GDPR;
(4) for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89 (1), insofar as the right referred to in paragraph 1 is likely to make it impossible or seriously impair the achievement of the objectives of such processing; or
(5) for the establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.

5. Notification obligation
If you have made use of your right to correct, erase or restrict the processing of your personal data, the controller is obliged to inform all recipients to whom the personal data have been disclosed of this correction or erasure of the data or limitation of the processing, unless this proves to be impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.
You have the right to be informed of these recipients by the controller.

6. Right to data portability
You have the right to receive the personal data relating to you which you have provided to the data controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. In addition, you have the right to transmit this data to another controller without hindrance by the controller, who has been provided with the personal data, where:
(1) the processing is based on a consent in accordance with the point (a) of Article 6 (1) or point (a) of Article 9 (2) or on a contract in accordance with the point (b) of Article 6 (1); and
(2) the processing is carried out using automated means.
In exercising this right, you also have the right to have your personal data are transmitted directly from one controller to another, as far as this is technically feasible. Freedoms and rights of other persons may not be affected thereby.
The right to data portability is not applicable to the processing of personal data necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority given to the data controller.

7. Right to object
For reasons arising from your particular situation, you have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning you, which is carried out based on point (e) or (f) of Article 6 (1); this also applies to profiling based on these provisions.
The controller will no longer process the personal data concerning you, unless the controller can prove that there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing serves to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
Where the personal data concerning you are processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning you for such marketing; this also applies to profiling, insofar as it is related to such direct marketing.
Where you object to the processing for the purposes of direct marketing, the personal data concerning you will no longer be processed for these purposes.
In the context of the use of information society services, and notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC, you have the possibility of exercising your right to object by automated means using technical specifications.

8. Right to withdraw the declaration of consent under Data Protection Act
You have the right to withdraw your declaration of consent under Data Protection Act at any time. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the withdrawal.

9. Automated individual decision-making, including profiling
You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which has legal effect on you or which significantly impairs you in a similar manner.
This does not apply if the decision:
(1) is necessary for entering into, or performance of, a contract between you and a data controller;
(2) is authorised by Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject and which also lays down suitable measures to safeguard your rights and freedoms and legitimate interests; or
(3) is based on your explicit consent.
However, these decisions may not be based on special categories of personal data in accordance with Article 9 (1), unless point (a) or (g) of Article 9 (2) applies and appropriate measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms and your legitimate interests are in place.
Regarding the cases referred to in (1) and (3), the data controller has to take appropriate measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms and your legitimate interests, at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the data controller, to state his or her own position and to contest the decision.
10. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if you consider that the processing of your personal data infringes this Regulation.
The supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged is to inform the complainant on the progress and the outcome of the complaint including the possibility of judicial remedy accordance to Article 78.

Responsible for data processing:
Jakob Larsen
Søholtvej 60
9750 Østervrå
Telefon: +45 23 98 94 43
Email: mail@jakob-larsen.dk